Search Around The Internet

Friday, June 4, 2010

Surfing eficient pe internet

Au fost pana acum multe discutii despre cel mai bun browser existent la momentul actual pe piata.

Voi nume cateva dintre cele mai importante: Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome, Mozilla Firefox.

Internet Explorer-ul este printre cele mai folosite de cei care stau pe internet un timp relativ scurt sau mediu deoarece se gaseste in mai toate windows-urile care au aparut acum ceva timp.Opera, din punctul meu de vedere, este un browser complicat care mai mult te incurca decat sa te ajute.Chrome a aparut totusi mai recent si si-a castigat deja destui fani datorita multor optiuni pe care le are.Este in pas inainte spre un progres apropiat.Dar preferatul meu ramane tot Mozilla Firefox si probabil singurul lucru care m-ar obliga sa nu-l mai folosesc ar fi sa se intrerupa update-urile la el sau sa fie retras de pe piata.Merge mai rapid si mai usor decat altul folosit pana acuma.Si nu are atatea bug-uri cand vine vorba de salturi rapide intre site-uri cu pop-upuri.

Dar nu ma astept sa ma credeti pe mine ci sa le incercati si sa reveniti cu comentarii.

Ar fi bine de stiut daca cunoasteti alte browsere pe care le-ati incercat si se comporta bine sau mai bine in comparatie cu cele enumerate.Daca stiti va rog sa scrieti aici.

Efficient browsing

There have been many discussions about the most efficient browser on the market...

I will name only a few: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Opera, Mozzila Firefox, etc.

Each user has his own personalized browser.Let's talk about this!The most common one is Internet Explorer any version because until now it was incorporated in windows software.But those who search the net often found other browsers as well.Opera isn't that much known but still has his fans.Personally I think it's complicated but don't listen to me.Try it.The new browser chrome is much better then Internet Explorer and it's a step forward for the industry of internet surfing.But my favorite is the Mozilla Firefox.Most of the online video web players need firefox to be played and it really uses fewer resources.It works faster and better.

Until now I didn't a problem with it.

Try each and every one of them and let me know what you think.

Feel free to name other browsers if you know.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The best O.S.

What in you're opinion is the best operating sistem?

Of course we all think it's the free one but I mean which of the existing O.S. is the best?.

Vista? Windows 7? One of the older XP's?

I am very pleased about my XP SP 2 professional and custom modified edition.It works smooth and it's just what I needed.

But I would like to hear what do you use and how those new O.S. work

I tryed Vista allready and I am sure it didn't rise to my expectations.

What about you?

The best O.S.

Care este cel mai bun sistem de operare?

Aceasta intrebare apare la un moment dat in viata oricui are un calculator acasa...

Deci care este cel mai bun?

Bineinteles cel gratis.Asa credem toti dar totusi ce platforma?Vista?Windows 7?XP SP 3?

Sincer eu sunt foarte multumit de XP SP 2 pe care il folosesc acum dar as vrea sa va dati cu parerea sa imi ziceti daca le-ati incercat pe celelalte si cum se comporta.

Eu unul am incercat Vista si nu sunt multumit deloc.Nu e un Windows pe care sa-l pot folosi in fiecare zi cate 14 ore cum am eu timp.

Astept comentariile voastre.